About the Product

Optional features with neutral & street lighting conductor if and when required.


  • Aerial bunched cables (also aerial bundled conductors or simply ABC) are overhead power lines using several insulated phase conductors bundled tightly together, usually with a bare neutral conductor. XLPE/Black HDPE insulated aluminum conductors are laid together (twisted) around aluminum alloy/ ACSR conductor insulated or bare messenger wire to form the Aerial Bunched Cable. Fewer chances of short circuits caused by external forces like wind and fallen
    branches, unless they abrade the insulation
  • Aerial bunched cables can stand proximity to trees/buildings and not generate sparks if touched.
  • Tree clearance can be avoided due to the reduction in pole height.
  • It is simple to install as crossbars and insulators are not required.
  • Ease of erection and stringing, less labor-intensive and fewer construction resources needed.
  • Aesthetically appealing.
  • Can be installed in a narrower right-of-way.
  • At junction poles insulation of bridging wires are needed to connect non-insulated wires.
  • ABC can dispense with one of these splices. Less risk of a neutral-only break from tree or vehicle damage, increasing safety with TNCs systems.
  • Better safety for linesperson, particularly when working on live conductors.
  • More or less maintenance-free.
  • The theft of power possibility is reduced as unauthorized tapping of power cannot be done without removing the insulation.
  • Much safer than bare conductors as insulated conductors prevent accidental contact and supply can be maintained temporarily even if a suspension system collapse.

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